Saga o tekstilnim vlaknima dio 1 – Uvod
Prirodna vs. Umjetna vlakna Malo je tko, izvan tekstilne struke, ikad pomislio da iza naše profesije stoji nekakvo široko znanje, a najmanje da je cijela profesija bazirana na fundamentalnim znanostima iz vrlo različitih područja, kao što su...
Kapaciteti, cijena rada i “kvaka 22” u proizvodnji odjeće 2.dio
drugi dio Napomena: Ovaj blog je opsežan i, iako bi ga bilo uputno podijeliti na dva dijela, odustala sam zbog toga što bi bilo teško kvalitetno podijeliti sadržaj. Pa ako imate volje i strpljenja čitati - hajdemo! Za početak nastavka teme...
Kapaciteti, cijena rada i „kvaka 22“ u proizvodnji odjeće 1.dio
Dobrodošli u novi blog, koji obrađuje teme cijena i kapaciteta u manjim proizvodnjama odjeće, kao što je najavljeno u blogu Zbog kompleksnosti teme, sadržaj je podijeljen u dva uzastopna...
The importance of prototyping in fashion
Bringing your designs to life The fashion industry, a realm where designer's vision and practical functionality meet, continuously evolves with the advent of new materials, new CAD systemes and some of the cutting edge technologies availible in the...
Hey there!
Hello to all creative people out there! My name is Mirjana. With more than 25 years in the fashion world, and a number of ups and downs in my own fashion business, I’m keen on sharing all these knowledge and experiences with you now. The main intention is to inform you about the fashion industry as a whole and to help you through the challenges when setting up your own fashion business. Stay tuned!
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Hey there!
Hello to all creative people out there! My name is Mirjana. With more than 25 years in the fashion world, and a number of ups and downs in my own fashion business, I’m keen on sharing all these knowledge and experiences with you now. The main intention is to inform you about the fashion industry as a whole and to help you through the challenges when setting up your own fashion business. Stay tuned!
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Fashion Business and Sustainability: Can We Have Both?
In recent years, we have been well-aware of the ever-increasing, dominant...
Dizajn i razvoj proizvoda – temelj (svake) industrije
produkt dizajn, temelj industrije Neki dan sam se uključila u jednu dinamičnu...