Our Services
Service Packages
CAD Services
The place where your fashion design is developed from an initial vision to the final product.

Service Packages
Know-how Services
The safest way to start a fashion brand or clothing line backed by our knowledge and experience.
Kind words
"Since 2017 I work now with Cad Studio. They make all CAD patterns and gradings for my production.
After so many seasons, I can say that I am totally satisfied with the work they do for my company. Precise and professional and with a very good own sense of creativity for modern fashion business.
Always very kind and patiently with the - sometimes - slow designer from Switzerland.
Thank you from all my heart."
Magdalena Ernst
Magdalena Ernst Design ⎮ Swiss
"CAD studio has been a reliable and engaged partner since the startup of our company. Being experienced and skilled in CAD technology, as well as having a profound understanding of our customers and our market, CAD studio provides technical solutions to the challenges we are facing during development and preparation of our styles."
Jaka Sjoo Nizic
Work&Clothes ⎮ Sweden
"I have had the opportunity to meet Mirjana Rinkovec as she came to the company I worked for to teach us about product development. Intuitive and guided by heart and rich experience, she was and remains a kind of mentor who, as a pioneer of new ideas and tendencies, introduced me to innovations in the clothing industry, its advantages and limitations. Dedicated and reliable with special warmth and zeal, she will try to turn every business idea into gold. Inspiring leader who finds the best in you and then builds a true team spirit to achieve only the best results possible."
Kristina Nikl
"CAD Studio turns every our development idea into a masterpiece that our customers adore and choose over and over again. Our products most realistically mirroring many years of successful cooperation with CAD Studio, and we are happy to continue it with each developing of our future styles. We have gained trust thanks to their expertise, efficiency and precision we encounter in every collaboration, where fast and easy communication have been present from the very beginning."
Eva Gašparović
FAQ & Terminology
Hrvatski kutak: Modni biznis u HR-čuje li nas tko?
Neki dan sam pisala o izvrsnom Interreg projektu TalentMagnet, u organizaciji grada Varaždina, Razvojne agencije Sjever-Dan i Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu-Studijske jedinice Varaždin.
Projekt je trebao promovirati zanimanja vezana uz tekstil, modu, obuću i odjeću kroz izlaganja mladih talentiranih stručnjaka obrazovanih na TTF-u, a koji su se već etablirali u nekom od tih područja. Između ostalih, kako smo već izvijestili, sudjelovao je i djelatnik CAD studija, moj kolega Darko Plukavec.
Cilj projekta je bio i promovirati sektor Moda, tekstil i koža, koji danas gotovo nikome više nije interesantan, uslijed tragičnog raspada nekad moćne tekstilne industrije. One koja kroz zadnja dva desetljeća izumire poput dinosaura.
A ta, u svijetu izrazito široka, nevjerojatno kreativna, tehnološki izuzetno napredna i dinamična gospodarska grana kod nas zapravo vapi za pažnjom, razumijevanjem i podrškom!
Vapi za time da je netko sluša i – još važnije, da je čuje! Da se javnosti predstave mogućnosti i smjer njenog budućeg razvoja, a ne samo njeni problemi.
Godinama se o tom sektoru govori samo u dva slučaja: ili se veličaju revije domaćih dizajnera, ili se žali i kritizira jadna, izrabljujuća tekstilna industrija.
U stvarnosti, između ta dva suprotstavljena pola postoji cijeli spektar modernih zanimanja, poslova, znanja i aktivnosti koje tvore moderni modni i odjevni biznis. Domaća javnost o tome zna malo ili nimalo, a mi, njegovi akteri, nalazimo se u svojevrsnoj sivoj zoni o kojoj se uopće ne raspravlja.
Reakcije javnosti su otprilike: “…ma, pusti, to je samo tekstil…”
Ali, zbog toga što se o pulsirajućem, rastućem modernom digitalnom modnom biznisu u javnosti ne govori, niti se otvaraju njegove perspektive, smanjuje se i interes za tekstilnu i modnu struku.
Posljedično, zatvaraju se ili smanjuju tekstilne škole, dok se fakulteti bore za upis nekoliko studenata godišnje.
Oni koji su i završili studij, mahom su bili pripremani za tekstilnu industriju kakve više nema ili za umjetničko djelovanje u modi koje nije komercijalno.
A s druge strane, moderni modni biznis traži nove kadrove, nova znanja, nove kompetencije.
Sve to bazirano na dizajnerskom promišljanju i izričaju, na društvnim i socijalnim kompetencijama, na modernim marketinškim alatima, na super naprednim digitalnim tehnologijama, na održivosti kao ključnom izazovu današnjice i moru sličnih kompetencija uz naravno, one osnovne, tekstilne.
I napokon se pojavi jedan ovakav hvalevrijedan projekt, u kojem se je moglo skrenuti pažnju institucija i javnosti na nove mogućnosti koje bi presloženi tekstilni i modni sektor mogao pružiti mladim ljudima na pragu obrazovanja, kao i na gospodarski potencijal koji on nudi.
I što se dogodi?
U publici sjedi gradonačelnik i još nekoliko uzvanika, nekoliko grupa učenika iz srednjih škola sa svojim nastavnicima i nekolicina nas koji smo došli dati podršku svojim zaposlenicima/kolegama.
Dogodi se da je i ovaj gradonačelnik, kao i svi njegovi prethodnici, bez obzira na političke boje koje predstavlja, svoju ulogu shvatio isključivo protokolarno. Dolazi da „uveliča“ događanje, pročita lijep govor, fotografira se, jedva pogleda video i ode.
Već viđeni scenarij, podsjeća na ono “…ne čujem vas, al’ hoću da vam kažem…”. Ex cathedra, čista forma bez uživljavanja u sadržaj.
Nije pričekao da čuje izlaganja, nije si uzeo vremena da sagleda kuda zbilja ide ovaj sektor, nije iskoristio priliku ČUTI, da bi kasnije imao o čemu promišljati i analizirati, eventualno temeljem tog promišljanja organizirati neki okrugli stol s gospodarstvenicima iz sektora ili poduzeti neke konkretne korake…
Ne, jer čeka ga sljedeći protokolarni događaj kojem treba prisustvovati…
A u medijima je izvještaj s tog događanja prezentiran isključivo u svrhu promocije gradonačelnika, a ne u svrhu sadržaja kojeg su izlagali mladi i talentirani stručnjaci, koji su imali za reći nešto pametno, nešto novo, nešto za budućnost sektora.
I ne, ovo nije kritika ovog gradonačelniku, ovo je apel sustavu da se nešto mora promijeniti, i to hitno!
Jer, pitam se, na kraju ovog podužeg posta: kako će se bilo koji sektor (koji nije u fokusu interesa kao npr. IT danas), izdići iz svog gliba ako ga nitko ne sluša, ako nema vremena da ga se stvarno čuje?
Kako će se potaknuti promjene ako se one čuju i vide samo u vrlo uskom krugu onih koji tim promjenama teže ili se s njima bore?
I kako ćemo opravdati sutra zašto više nema obrazovanja za struku za koju su svi mislili da ne može propasti, a propast će ako joj se na veliko ne udahne nova perspektiva i novi život?
Zato šaljem ovaj apel!
Pitajte nas što ima novo u modernom odjevnom i modnom bizisu?
Saslušajte nas i čujte, mogli bi se ugodno iznenaditi!
A onda bi se mogli zakotrljati i kamenčići jednog novog, snažnog i rastućeg tekstilnog sektora!
Čujemo se?
What does "CAD" actually mean?
CAD, or Computer-Aided Design is a digital tool for garment pattern making, grading different sizes of garments and marker making.
A typical CAD system in garment development process features peripheral devices and software. The standard peripheral devices include a digitizer, an input unit for entering/digitising paper cuts into the system, and a plotter, an output unit in which patterns/cuts and markers/cutting images are drawn in a 1:1 ratio.
CAD software consists of multiple modules with a plethora of functions and tools which store complete know-how about the construction of clothing.
Previously, all these jobs had to be done by hand, on the paper, in the 1:1 ratio. CAD systems have made it possible to give up paper patterns and dive into the virtual world of pattern making. Using CAD systems in the fashion industry makes pattern design and its corrections easier, while its digital blueprints are more precise in the technical sense and can be made in a shorter time, which increases product development efficiency.
2D, 3D CAD - what's the difference?
The CAD systems of today are either 2D, which means working with 2 dimensions, or 3D, which means working with 3 dimensions on the computer screen.
Working with 2D CAD is already an exceptional way of saving time and money in the garment development process, by increasing pattern quality and precision.
However, the latest inventions in the 3D CAD have opened up possibilities to produce virtual prototypes by ”virtually sewing“ pattern pieces made in 2D CAD.
This possibility forms the basis for presenting a complete garment design idea to a marketing auditorium, using a digital person (avatar) of choice and eliminating the need for physical garment samples.
This contributes to global sustainability of the fashion business, as well as to shorter garment development time, and significantly reduces costs.
A pattern or cut is an essential ”bridge“ between garment design and production, a kind of translation of the designer’s vision into the technical world of clothing production. A pattern is a blueprint of a garment, made by hand, on paper (as in the olden days) or digitally, using a CAD system (as we nowadays can).
Pattern making is a process whereby an engineer, using methods of clothing construction and geometric principles, prepares a pattern – meaning a blueprint, which will be used to make the prototype of a garment.
Every pattern/cut consist of pattern pieces whose number depends on garment complexity.
Patterns must be made with highest accuracy and precision, considering the sketch of the style, the intended fabric type and the body measures.
Why to order CAD Marker making services?
In simple words, order them to spare on fabrics, reduce product costs and better manage your resources!
A marker is a ”cutting picture“ where the pattern pieces of a style are fit together into the fabric width, with the goal to reach the maximum utilisation of a fabric (or minimum fabric loss).
By ordering this service, you’ll receive precise information about how much fabric you need PRIOR to production, which will help you order a reasonable amount of fabrics, save you money and prevent losing it on fabric leftovers, with additional problems of their storage and/or disposal.
The marker, or the cutting picture, will be used in the cutting room on top of the cutting layers as a template for the employee who will be cutting the fabric.
With CAD systems, the markers are prepared digitally on a screen and printed out on paper using the device called plotter. Optionally, the markers can be sent as a file to a CNC device called the cutter, for an automated cutting process.
In any case, this service – marker making – marks the end of the preparation process and the beginning of bulk production.
How to order our services?
Via the Contact form below or via e-mail info@cadfashionstudio.com.
If possible, please describe the type of service you need, referring to service packages we offer (on our Services page). Feel free to add short info/sketch of the style you would like us to develop patterns for. We will then ask you for additional details and prepare a personalised offer for you.
Do not hesitate to ask us anything about our services.
A few words about Pricing
We have no universal price list for our services, due to different levels of complexity of garments.
This is why the price of all our services is based on the projection of the hours needed to develop each individual garment. The basic price for one (1)(60-minute) hour of CAD studio work is €40 (valid until 1 October 2022) The prices of other services are formed in relation to the basic price, following the key you can see in the picture:
- Pattern making (basic style size):
- X h ×€ 40 =€ XYZ
- Grading sizes: XYZ ×10%/size
- Marker making: XYZ ×10%/size
- Preparation of style’s technical documentation, with sketch:
- min 1h, approx. €40/style
- Preparation of laying/cutting plan (bulk order with optimised cutting process):
- min 1 h, approx. €40 /production order
For more info about pricing please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Ready for your clothing design vision to come true?